Sunday, May 15, 2011

Karate & Stuff

I went to a karate tournament! I feel like I did pretty well all things considered. The things to be considered in this case are:
1) I am 34 weeks pregnant. Standing up from the couch is an ordeal.
2) I have only been doing this style of karate for a year, and am a white belt in it.
3) Since I have a black belt in a different style, I was in the black belt division and so I did kata from my old style.
4) I haven't practiced these kata in earnest with guidance from people who know them for over a year.
5) They are unfamiliar to the people judging me.
6) I had to sort of modify the bowing and kiai yelling and stuff to try to fit in with their style and it was weird.

There were 3 people total in the black belt women's division for weapons and empty-hand kata. I got 2nd in weapons and 3rd in kata. Woo!

Here's a video. Well, most of a video. Yeah.

Also yesterday, the wonderful people at knit night had a baby shower for me! They are so awesome and I am so glad I found such a great group of people to hang out with!!!

Here's what I look like at 34 weeks:
34 weeks

1 comment:

RadioactiveUnicorn said...

Aww, thank you!! I feel so, so lucky that I've been able to keep doing karate, albeit in a much more chilled out way than normal.