Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pretty pictures!

I took this picture of the sunset ton Tuesday, in the midst of some crazy thunderstorms/tornado warnings. It's pouring down rain in the picture, but the sky was just amazing. Another interesting aspect of the picture is the house they are building in my backyard. That thing is going up pretty fast! You can also sort of see my veggies in their rubbermaid containers on the deck.

I spent this past weekend spinning up the tussah silk fiber from my last post. I managed to get about 250 yards of 2-ply laceweight out of 37 grams, and although it's pretty underspun, I think I'm really getting better at making consistently thin singles. I also learned to spin from the fold, which is apparently a good thing to know. Shrug. Perhaps I will turn it into some sort of lacy scarf/cowl/shawl.

Here are some pictures of my cats being their cute little selves. Calvin loves to go out on the deck, even when it's almost 100ยบ outside, and he's discovered that hiding in the bean plants is a good way to stay cool. Mainly because it's so darn cute that I wait awhile to kick him out of there.

Cuddle Duds loves being in boxes, and is helping guard the mail basket.


Libby said...

Pretty sunset. That weather on Tuesday was pretty wild. I am mega-impressed at your spinning skills.

Sara said...

Pretty yarn. What about this

RadioactiveUnicorn said...

Oh good find, Sara! I'd been having lots of trouble finding something good, and that looks like pretty much what I was looking for!

Thanks L! Spinning is a lot more fun than you might think. Although I must say weaving does seem a bit intriguing...