Monday, May 2, 2011


The weather here sucks. We've had some kind of storm all but a couple of days for the past 3 weeks. By "some kind of storm," I mean almost always accompanied by a tornado warning. For those who aren't from tornado-y places, a tornado warning means that there is an actual tornado according to the radar or a weather spotter and you better darn well find a place to hide and the sirens are going off and it's loud and obnoxious and scary. Oh yeah, and people die. The tornado that struck 2 miles from my house killed 2 people. It also broke our patio umbrella and a whole bunch of trees in our little backyard.

I'd been planning to post about our awesome garden that we spent several weeks setting up, complete with a whole sprinkler system so I wouldn't have to go outside and get bitten by mosquitoes to water it. It's so cool. I've been growing seedlings inside since the last week in January and finally got to plant them and have been watching it grow and it's been so exciting. We've got 24 different kinds of plants (partly because I am way overambitious and partly because I'm not sure what grows well around here). 

Here is is yesterday, completely flooded with the 3-8 inches (depending on your source) of rain that fell and is still coming down like crazy. Poor little drowneded planties. 
Garden flood

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