Friday, March 21, 2008

Boyfriend Socks

Is it weird that I am making myself boyfriend socks?

This was just too darn cute not to take a picture of. Kitty never ever sits on laps unless you are physically holding him there and brushing him. This is the closest he's ever come to cuddling on my lap. He was just so interested in the socks that he rested his fuzzy little head on my leg and watched (well, mostly he wanted to eat the needle whenever it came near him). It was very hard to make myself get up and come to school today because he was being so adorable.

Plus I learned how to do a figure-eight cast on. Very exciting.

I decided I am going to try to take better pictures of things, so I made a light tent kind of thing out of a cardboard box, a piece of poster board and some tracing paper. I'll take a picture of it at some point, but anyway, I tried taking a few pictures using it. I don't really have any decent lamps, so I can't really get a good picture yet, but here is the yarn I am using to make these boyfriend socks.

Also I can make hats fly. Neat.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Wooohooooooo I finished my Pomatomus socks!!!!

I love them so much. I used size 0 needles instead of 2's, so they are nice and snug (I have small feet). For some reason I got really sick of making these for a few weeks. This week though, it's spring break so the buses only come every 15 minutes and there are not very many people on them so I am guaranteed some quality waiting-for-the-bus-in-the-car time, as well as a seat on the bus so knitting on my commute is actually an option. Once I actually had a decent chance to work on them, I got far enough along that I could almost see the end and I got really fast once I got near the toes. Then the actual toe part is just stockinette, which is about a zillion times faster than the lacy pattern so I finished most of that last night and the rest this morning. This is one of my favorite projects I've ever made. Sad, huh?

(I should mention that the composition of the first picture was inspired by pictures of socks taken by photographer Jessica Tjok. Mine is obviously way crappier, but I want to give credit where it's due.)

Monday, March 17, 2008


Um, I suppose if you have a blog, you should update it sometimes, and I haven't done that lately, so today is the day! Woo!

Here is a picture of some yarn that I Navajo plied. It's sort of like crocheting with your fingers while the yarn is spinning. Weird. What can I do with 15 yards of this???

Monday, March 3, 2008

Fae Ridge Farm

Andrea and I went to Fae Ridge Farm this weekend, and it was a ton of fun! There were very cool animals there. The ducks were hilarious and the walked in a line and they were white and orange and pretty. The merino goats (ETA there's no such thing. They are sheep. Shrug.) had curly bangs that were cute in that 3-year-old-girl-with-ringlets sort of way, and I loved them and I wanted them to be my friends.

Also, there was a lot of neat yarn and fiber. I liked the corn yarn the best. Oh, interesting. I was going to find a link to some information about corn yarn for you, but all the links I found are about how it's made with GMO corn and how this is some sort of tragedy. Well, at any rate, the yarn was fantastically soft and wonderful, and the people at the store said it was like cotton only better, softer and very durable. Here's a wikipedia article about Ingeo, the corn fiber, if you are interested.

I ordered a spinning wheel! I got a Lendrum DT from Woodland Woolworks (which I found out later is in Oregon, neat!). It's out of stock for a few weeks though, so I have to wait (and wait, and wait.....).

In the meantime, I learned how to Navajo Ply with my spindle! I don't have any pictures yet, but I have 15 yards of pretty decent 3 ply yarn now. What on earth can I make with 15 yards?